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Wash Hands Is Where Start to Prevent Disease

Washing Your Hands Being aware of what it means to prevent disease is to wash your hands is part of knowledge, a good habit, of course, if you have the basic resources such as water and soap wherever we choose to be, to make sure that these articles are included in our journal living and is not an adventure trip in the countryside. Providing soap and water is the most effective element for this purpose to prevent diseases, soap can sweep, sweep, drag all dirt, all kinds of microorganisms, and bacteria; Hand washing are the effective result of medical and personal experience. In addition, this is an important base where hygiene begins and must be a constant habit every day and for several times a day, the reason is very logical wherever we touch things, we rest with our hands-on rails electric stairs, pulling and pushing doors, ready to contaminate with everything leading to the mouth and digestive system and this causes diseases.  Therefore a hand wash is very necessary for r...

Protection of Physical and Mental Health

Mental Illness a Problem in the Population From the 1sth Congress   Psychopharmacology and Holistic I want to share where I was in a  webinar about the Importance of the Promotion and the Protection of Physical and Mental Health. Globally recently is well recognized, but little attention has been given to the Interrelationship between the two. Poor physical health can make individuals susceptible to poor mental health. Similarly, we know that people living with mental health Problems often live with physical health problems as well. A growing of evidence is seen high showing that; indeed, persons with an enduring mental illness are at much greater risk than the general population for developing certain physical health problems, most notably cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity. This is the reason why, compared with the general population, people with severe mental illness lose 25-30 years of normal life expectancy. A holistic expert, had to a...

Pandemic Respiratory Disease

S wine Influenza Is a respiratory disease of pigs first isolated in swine in 1930, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The illness is caused by four different types an influenza strains that can cause outbreaks in pigs, though subtypes H1N1 and H3N2 seem to be more common. The death rate among pigs is low, with most infections occurring in the late fall and winter The Diagnosed Respiratory specimen must be collected within the first four to five days of illness when the infected person is most likely to be shedding the virus. However, some patients (such as children), may shed the virus for 10 days or longer, according to the CDC. Specimens must be sent to the CDC for laboratory testing to identify swine flu (Influenza Flu. Virtual Campaign to share  this article

Flu Influenza A (H1N1)-Swine

    Flu Influenza A ( H1N1) Welcome to the Community Health Initiative I aim to provide the best, most of my interest, conscious research, and knowledge to offer what we have to do in this big situation try to avoid expanding all over the world. As part of our commitment to preventive health measures, these initiatives are designed to educate the community about issues affecting our health, right here at home and on the street. Saying that influenza viruses are "notorious for their rapid mutation and their unpredictable behavior," Chan told reporters,  as we look for responses and solutions. The World Health Organization  raised the pandemic level to phase 5, which indicates widespread human-to-human transmission into at least two more countries in one WHO region. While most countries will not be affected at this stage, according to WHO, the declaration of phase 5 represents a strong signal that a pandemic is imminent and that the time to fina...

How You Prevent Swine or AH1N1 in your Home and Street

Home and the Street   Be watchful for emergency warning signs that might indicate you need to seek medical attention Those who have severe symptoms — coughs, aches, and high fevers — to contact their personal doctors for testing. Contact their health care provider about any special care they might need if they are health conditions  such as diabetes, heart disease, asthma, emphysema, and pregnancy. Cover all the time coughs and sneezes. Clean hands with soap and water this is the most recommended based hand rub often and especially after using tissues and after coughing or sneezing into hands. Avoid close contact with others. Take seriously – do not go to work or school while ill. Keep the sick person away from other people as much as possible see the placement of the sick person at home. Have the sick person wear a surgical mask if they need to be in a common area of the house near other persons. Use paper towels for drying hands after hand washing placed immedi...