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Tips for Happiness Campaign

Happiness Campaign 

We will do as Campaign Program getting Happiness; thousands of people have attended it and have managed to change their mood.
Keep some tips in this program, so that you too learn simple techniques and very effective to feel HAPPY, I guarantee you will have a positive and full of peace, joy, and blessings year.
 TIP 1
Practice some exercise (walking, going to the gym, yoga, swimming, etc.). Experts say that exercise is just as good as taking an antidepressant to improve morale, 30 minutes of exercise is the best antidote to sadness and stress.
 TIP 2
Breakfast: some people skip breakfast because they do not have time or do not want to get fat. Studies show that eating breakfast helps you have energy, think and successfully perform your activities.

Thanks to life everything good that you write on paper 10 things to have in your life that give you happiness. When we do a gratitude list oblige us to focus on good things.
 TIP 4 

Be assertive: You ask for what you want, say what you think. It is proven to being assertive helps improve your self-esteem. Being left in silence and enduring everything you say and do, generates sadness and hopelessness.

 TIP 5
Spend your money on things, not EXPERIENCES: One study found that 75% of people felt happier when they invested their money on trips, courses, and classes; while only 34% said they felt happier when buying things.

Face your challenges: Do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today. Studies show that the more you procrastinate something you know you have to do, generate more anxiety and tension. Write small weekly lists to comply with and stick to them.

 TIP 7
Paste beautiful memories, phrases, and photos of your loved ones everywhere. Fill your fridge, your computer, your desk, your room. YOUR LIFE fond memories.
 TIP 8
Always greet and be kind to other people: More than a hundred researchers say just a smile changes the mood.
 TIP 9
Use comfortable shoes that fit you: If your feet hurt you get moody, says Dr. Keinth Wapner, President of the American Orthopedic Association.
 IP 10
Watch your posture: Walking straight with shoulders back slightly and looking up at the front helps maintain a good mood.
 TIP 11
Listen to music: It is proven that listening to music wakes you to the desire to sing and dance; it will brighten your life.
 TIP 12
What you eat has a major impact on your mood.
    a) Eat something light every 3-4 hours keep glucose levels stable, do not jump meals.
    b) Avoid excess sugar and white flour.
    c) Ear everything just watch your adequate portion is important

TIP 13
Feel Beautiful
41% of people say they are happier when they think they look good. ! Get yourself and get cute 


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